Saturday, April 09, 2005

Vic Edelbrocks Garage

Vic Edelbrocks Garage
Originally uploaded by Crismateski.
I was going to do a post on this, but I dont think I could have summed it up as well as the club president did, so here is what he wrote.


What a great sunny day it was. This was the first non-rainy weekend I've had at home since, well I don't remember when. It was Easter weekend and Saturday Vic Edelbrock Jr. opened his 800,000 square foot facilities to the All Mustang and Ford Club and the So.Cal.Falcon Club. In all, just under 130 people, 10 from our club and some 70 cars caravanned out to Torrance.

Vic Edelbrock himself opened the doors and seemed thrilled to be speaking to us. His opening talk was very informative and told of many personal events. Most were good, some funny and a few were tragic.

I was lucky enough to part of his personal and small tour group. He walked us through every part of the Edelbrock Empire. Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales and Engineering were opened to us. Massive machines and skilled hand labor made cylinder heads before our eyes. Intake manifolds, valve covers, water pumps and even shock absorbers were being designed and built all in Torrance, CA.

After we saw all that there was to see, lunch was served. Togo's sandwiches for all.

Oh, I almost forgot, we saw Vic Jr.'s collection of cars that included two his father had owned in the 30's 40's and 50's.

Vic Sr. passed away unexpectedly in the early 60's at the age of 49 and did not get to see what his son had done with the company he started. From 5,000 square feet of shop space in 1964 to 800,000 now, Edelbrock is an amazing company that still makes it all here in the USA.

I was also lucky enough to be in the group with Vic Edelbrock, and it was a great experence. If you ever get the oppertunity to take a tour of this facility, I would highly recommend the trip.

Qoute from Bob Beck President of the SoCal Chapter of the Falcon Club of America

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