Monday, July 26, 2004

Well, I just got home from Comic-Con 2004, and it was a blast as always. This year we added a new person to the group (Robert) and it just made it that much better. The trip did have some snags, but it was still alot of fun. We got a free room at an expensive condo, there turned out to be some problems, but the Free condo was still nice. We had a great view from the tenth floor. On one side we were looking out over the San Deigo Airport, out the middle was the Harbor, and to the left was the pool on the roof of the eigth story.

The convention itself is getting huge. The dealer floor was over 460,000 square feet ! And they added a new room for the panels which seats 6000 people. The convention itself is very inexpensive, but I spent way to much on the dealer floor. I got 5 new pieces of Art from Ruth Thompson, 2 Games from Steve Jackson Games, along with many smaller items and some other pieces of art.

We also got to see some movie trailers for things that are still in production and that won't be released to the public for a while. Some, like the trailer for Anaconda were not even color balanced or anything yet, so you get just raw footage.

Well, I guess that is it for Comic con for now, maybe more info in a day or two.

On a different note, I still have not found a photo hosting site that i like, but I do have some stuff up on a site designed for camera phones. You can check it out at

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